

  • Eyes around the clock

    • Look straight ahead.

    • Without moving your head or straining your eyes, focus on the one o’clock position of an imaginary clock in front of you.

    • Then, focus on the two o’clock, the three o’clock, and so on until you reach the twelve o’clock position.

    • Perform the exercise again, counterclockwise.

Neck and shoulders

  • Shoulder circles

    • Lift your shoulders towards your head.

    • Pinch your shoulder blades together and roll your shoulders back.

    • Then let the shoulders drop down to their starting position.

    • Try circularly moving your shoulders.

    • Repeat as desired.

  • Shoulder shrugs

    • Lift your shoulders toward your head.

    • Hold for one to three seconds, then relax.

    • Repeat as desired.

  • Shoulder pinches

    • Pinch your shoulder blades together.

    • Hold for one to three seconds, then relax.

    • Repeat as desired.


  • Catch and release

    • Slowly clench your fists, then hold for a few seconds.

    • Slowly open your hands and spread your fingers, then hold for a few more seconds.

    • Repeat as desired.

  • Flex and extend

    • Raise your arms out in front of you with your palms facing down and fingers flat.

    • Slowly extend your wrists and fingers so that they point upwards.

    • Hold this position for a few seconds.

    • Then, slowly lower your wrists and fingers until they are pointed towards the ground.

    • Hold for a few seconds.

    • Repeat as desired.



  • Tightly close your eyes for a second, then open them wide. Repeat several times.

  • Refocus your eyes momentarily on an object at least 20 feet away.


  • Slowly turn your head to one side and hold for 10 seconds. Alternate sides and repeat several times.

  • Slowly tilt your head to one side and hold for five to 10 seconds. Alternate sides and repeat several times.


  • Put your hands together, with your fingers spread apart and fingertips at chin level.

  • Slowly lower your hands, peel them apart, then reverse the process.

  • Repeat several times.

Lower back

  • Stand up from your chair.

  • With your hands on your hips and your feet about shoulder-width apart, slowly lean your hips forward and your shoulders slightly back.

  • Hold the stretch for five to 10 seconds.