Portable Fire Extinguishers Locations
Should a portable fire extinguisher need to be moved, notify Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) personnel before relocating.
6800 Camille Avenue
Main Building
FE-0001 - Within the offices area, along the south wall of the east hall; in front of closets.
FE-0002 - Within the battery shop area, along the north wall; near doorway leading to avionics.
FE-0003 - Within the battery/avionics shop storage area, along the east wall; near doorway leading to battery shop.
FE-0004 - Within the shipping/receiving office, along the north wall; near doorway leading to warehouse.
FE-0005 - Within the warehouse, along the east wall; near south emergency exit door.
FE-0006 - Within the warehouse, along the east wall; near north outdoor overhead shelter door.
FE-0007 - Within the warehouse, along the west wall; near north shipping garage door.
FE-0015 - Avionics room near wiring harness workbenches.
General Maintenance / CNC Shop
FE-0009 - Within the shop area, along the south wall; near west garage door.
FE-0010 - Within the shop area, along the south wall; near between CNC machines.
FE-0011 - Within the shop area
FE-0012 - Within the shop area, along the north wall; near north emergency exit door.
FE-0013 - Paint booth fire suspension tanks; near the paint booth’s southeast corner.
FE-0014 - Paint booth fire suspension tanks; near the paint booth’s northeast corner.
Motorized Equipment
FE-0008 - Warehouse Forklift
6801 Camille Avenue
Airstair Repair Shop
FE-0016 - Within the office area, along east wall; near lobby door.
FE-0017 - Within the shop area, by kitchen counter.
FE-0018 - Within the shop area, along east wall; near exit door.
FE-0019 - Within the shop area, along west wall; near exit door.