Community Guidelines

At Dow Aero (“Company”) our community guidelines exist to support healthy and open discussions throughout the organization. These guidelines help create an environment where employees can come together as a team to pursue their shared goals and serve our customers. Each employee holds a tremendous amount of responsibility in their jobs. Furthermore, we must honor and uphold the integrity of our products and services. The following guidelines are official Company policy and apply when employees communicate within the workplace.

Here are some key things to remember when communicating:

  • Be responsible. What you say and how you act matters. You’re accountable for your words and actions, and you can be held liable for them.

  • Be helpful. Your voice is your contribution; make it productive.

  • Be thoughtful. Your statements can be attributed to the Company or coworkers regardless of intent; you should consider communication that may result in others having incorrect assumptions.

When communicating

Our values govern how we conduct ourselves in the pursuit of our mission.

  • Respect the person;

  • Respect the opportunity; and

  • Respect for each other.

Do your part to keep the workplace a safe, productive, and inclusive environment for everyone

While sharing information and ideas with colleagues helps build our community, disrupting the workday to have a raging debate over politics, the latest news article, or social media trend (e.g. “OK Boomer” versus “Lazy Millennial”) does not. Our primary responsibility is to do the work we are hired to do.

Avoid conversations that are disruptive to the workplace or that otherwise violate the Company’s workplace policies. Management shall address discussions that violate these rules.

Discussions or actions that make people feel they don’t belong are not welcome

Employees may not troll, name-call, insensitively ridicule, or undermine anyone — whether directly or indirectly, including:

  • Making any insulting, demeaning, or humiliating statements;

  • Spreading misleading information or being deceitful to coworkers, our extended workforce or business partners, and anyone else outside of our organization (including public figures); and

  • That otherwise can violate any expectations of proper conduct or Company policies against discrimination, harassment, and bullying.

You are responsible for your words and reach

What employees say and how they act matters and can have a lasting impact. All employees should be respectful with their comments about (and to) coworkers.

Your comments, wherever you make them, can have a severe impact on not only yourself but your coworkers and our organization as well. We’re all free to raise concerns and respectfully question and debate the Company’s activities, but it’s imperative to speak with accurate information. Don’t assume you have the full story, and be cautious not to make false or deceiving statements about the Company’s products or business that could undermine trust in the work that we do.

Treat our data with care

Keep in mind that employees’ communication can disseminate rapidly and broadly. Do not access, disclose, or share need-to-know or confidential information.

In concluding

You are responsible for adhering to these guidelines, our Code of Conduct, and other workplace policies. If discussions or behaviors do not align with this policy, management shall intervene. If necessary, the Company may revoke commenting, viewing, or posting privileges from within communication systems, remove particular discussion forums or comments, and initiate disciplinary action.

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