Conducting an Accident Investigation

The following steps should be taken when conducting an accident investigation:

  1. Determine what happened.
  2. Determine why the incident occurred.
  3. Describe the incident that took place—in other words, what prompted the investigation?
  4. Establish the facts surrounding the occurrence. This is the heart of the investigation—the investigator must determine who, what, when, where and why.
  5. Determine whether previous action had been taken to correct the problem. If so, what was it? Why did it fail this time?

The following questions should be asked when conducting an accident investigation:

  1. What was the employee doing at the time of the accident?
  2. Was the employee qualified to perform this operation?
  3. Were company procedures being followed?
  4. Is the job or process new? Had the employee received training on this operation prior to the accident?
  5. Were proper tools or equipment being used?
  6. Was the proper supervision being provided?
  7. What was the location of the accident?
  8. What was the physical condition of the area when the accident occurred? For example, was the temperature of the area hot or cold; if outside, was it wet or muddy; was there debris in the area, was the area clear, etc.?
  9. What were witnesses doing at the time of the accident?
  10. What immediate or temporary action could have prevented the accident or minimized its effect?
  11. What long-term or permanent action could have prevented the accident or minimized its effect?
  12. Did any unsafe act contribute to the cause of the accident? If so, is any disciplinary action being recommended?
  13. Had any disciplinary action been taken with this individual for unsafe acts in the past?

Prepare an investigation summary of findings and recommendations.