Performance Change Log


General grammatical and punctuation changes made to improve clarity.


Link to Conflict Resolution Protocol added to Manager/Employee Working Relationship section.


Workplace Gambling and Political Activities subsections moved back to the Attendance policies and procedures page.


What Constitutes as Insubordination subsection added to the Manager/Employee Working Relationship section.


Workplace Gambling and Political Activities subsections moved from Attendance policies and procedures page.

Political Activities subsection updated with general grammatical changes to improve clarity and link added to direct employees to time off policies and procedures for reference.


Added further clarity and explanation to the Manager/Employee Working Relationship section. The changes made to the revised section include:

  • Adding expectations for manager relationships with their employees.

  • Highlighting that any order that is permissible by Company policy and/or protocol, regulation, along with federal, state, and local laws, or that is generally considered reasonable is expected to be followed by employees and may be ordered by management. Failure to comply, or delaying completion, with these orders may be grounds of insubordination for employees.

  • Highlighting that any order that is not permissible by Company policy and/or protocol, regulation, along with federal, state, and local laws, or that is generally considered unreasonable is expected not to be ordered by management. Such orders from management may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment depending on the severity and/or other factors.

  • Clarifications that Human Resources or other appropriate management may be consulted when disagreements exists that cannot be worked out amongst a manager and employee themselves.


Minor modifications made to the Personal Activities section regarding it’s non-comprehensive list of personal activities that are not permitted when employees are expected to perform job duties. The final bullet point now includes further clarity on training and adds music videos as an example. The revised and previous bullet point are below:


Watching or listening to movies, television shows, music videos, or other video content that is not for authorized training purposes or otherwise previously approved topics that specifically fits with your job duties and responsibilities.


Watching or listening to movies, television shows, or other video content that is not for training purposes or otherwise previously approved topics that specifically fits with your job duties and responsibilities.


Initiation of change log for the Company’s performance policies and procedures. All future revisions to be documented above.